What We Offer

Just as you may have expectations for us, we also have expectations for our students and their parents/carers.


●They are to listen and fulfil what their Ustadh(a) tells them to do

●They are to be respectful to not only the teacher but also their brothers and sisters (fellow classmates) in the room and everyone in the Madrasah’s compound

●If they do not complete a sabaq within 2 weeks (unless with a valid excuse), a phone-call home with their Guardian will take place

●If they are to be caught misbehaving, there will be consequences (depending on the action and reasoning of it)

○If they are to do something severely against the Madrasah’s rules, they can have a phone-call home or even a potential 2 week suspension

○Consistent bad behaviour could potentially result in a permanent exclusion from this Madrasah

●Children must come with full uniform to Madrasah

○For boys: All white thobe/Jubbah, white toppee/tokkee/skull-cap

○For girls: All black abaya/cloak covering head to toe


They are to check regularly on their child’s progress and ask how they went. This is to ensure motivation inside the students to push them forward in their Islamic studies and give 100% effort If they are to have any questions, they are to contact the Madrasah at its open-times.