Here you will find Past-Events and Upcoming-Events like Visitors or Announcements or Exams (and ect).
Importance of Knowledge
TabarakAllah, we and our students were very blessed to be amongst the company of Mufti Saiful Islam, other Shuyukh. We (by the Grace of Allah) heard them drop pearls of wisdom on the powerful topic: Importance of Knowledge.
Life of ‘Esa (عليه سلام)
SubhanAllah, this was a conference about the story and life of ‘Esa ibn Maryam (عليه سلام). Many ‘Ulamah came to speak about the 4th Mightest Messenger of Allah: ‘Esa ibn Maryam (عليه سلام).
Iqra Bangla TV
Alhamdulillah, we were very blessed to be visited by the Group and learnt many beneficial topics and how they empower the Muslim Community in Britain.