Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow)
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
1. Alif-Lam-Mim. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur’an and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings].
2. This is the Book (the Qur’an), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun [the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden) and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)].
3. Who believe in the Ghaib and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and spend out of what we have provided for them [i.e. give Zakat , spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, etc., and also give charity to the poor and also in Allah’s Cause – Jihad, etc.].
4. And who believe in (the Qur’an and the Sunnah) which has been sent down (revealed) to you (Muhammad Peace be upon him ) and in [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.] which were sent down before you and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell, etc.).
5. They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful.
Verily Allah describes to us in the first few lines of Surah Al-Baqarah the people of Al-Muttaqun (piety), and how they give charity to those who need it. And as a result of that, Allah promises a beautiful bounty and provision for them.
Madrasatun Noor is an Islamic educational establishment based in Seven Kings, Ilford. We offer evening and weekend Quran classes for children and various adult classes. We also facilitate for Jumuah, Tarawih and Eid Salaah. With the generous help & support of our local Muslim community, Madrasatun Noor has been highly successful in providing their services. We currently lease the property we are in and have future plans to purchase a permanent place. Please help us to reach our goals to benefit the community. Through your generous donations and Qarza Hasanah we can make this happen.
£1000 enables you to become a life time member of the Madrasah (can be paid in instalments).
£100 to support your Madrasha running cost.
Or any amount of money could be donated.
This Year help us reach our target of £500,000 Insha’Allah.
Madrasah Account Details:
HSBC Name: Madinatun Noor
Sort Code: 40-01-18
Account Number: 71796453
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মাদ্রাসাতুন নুর লন্ডনের বিশেষ আপীল প্রিয় ভাই ও বোনেরাআসসালামু আলাইকুম প্রিয় প্রতিষ্ঠান মাদ্রাসাতুন নুর লন্ডনের পক্ষ থেকে আপনাদের খেদমতে বিনিত আবেদন ।আপনি ১০০০ পাউন্ড দানের মাধ্যমে এই প্রতিষ্ঠানের লাইফ মেম্বার হিসেবে গণ্য হবেন।১০০ পাউন্ড মাদ্রাসার জেনারেল ফান্ডে দান করে অশেষ ছাওয়াব হাসিল করতে পারেন । এছাড়াও আপনি যে কোন এমাউন্ট দান করে আল্লাহর রহমত,বরকত এবং জান্নাত লাভ করতে পারেন ।আল্লাহ আমাদের সবাইকে কবুল করুন ।আপনি সরাসরি মাদ্রাসার একাউন্টে অথবা জাস্ট গিবিং লিংকে দান করতে পারেন ।প্রয়োজনে এই নাম্বারে কল করতে পারেনঃ020 8599 8700
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Jazakumullahu Khairan!